The School is compliant with all BSO regulations
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Main Findings
The King's College School, Alicante (KCA) provides premium, quality pupil-centred education and care, in a calm purposeful and nurturing atmosphere.
Main Findings
The King's College School, Alicante (KCA) provides premium, quality pupil-centred education and care, in a calm, purposeful and nurturing atmosphere.
Main Strengths
There are many strengths at the school, including the:
- Outstanding quality of relationships between staff, pupils, and parents, and between the pupils themselves;
- Excellent pupil behaviour through the college;
- Personal, social, emotional development of pupils across all key stages, which is a real strength of the school;
- Strong mutual trust between senior leaders, teachers and pupils, meaning that the college is a safe environment for learning, development and growth;
- Excellent academic progress made by pupils of all ages, driven by outstanding learning and teaching;
- Pupil academic attainment throughout the college is outstanding, compared to similar UK independent, selective and overseas schools;
- Broad, balanced and responsive curriculum that engages and develops the whole child;
- Highly effective teacher/pupil feedback loops that support, challenge and enhance learning and attainment;
- Pupils who become well-adjusted young people during their educational journey at KCA, able to express their thoughts and feelings with a commendable balance of diplomacy and confidence;
- Strong pupil and parental confidence in the college’s ability to care for and meet their academic, physical, emotional and mental wellbeing needs;
- Highly successful safeguarding reporting and intervention procedures ensuring any pupil considered to be at risk, is quickly identified and effective intervention strategies implemented;
“The KCA Way emphasises challenge and inclusion for all. With the exception of a few iGCSE programmes, classes are mixed ability and teachers aim to challenge everyone and provide scaffolded support for those who need it. The spiral curriculum ensures skills and knowledge are frequently revisited. All lessons provided opportunities for pupils to recall previous learning and develop it further.”
“Teaching across the whole school enables pupils to acquire new knowledge and to make excellent progress, according to their ability.”
- “In the EYFS, all pupils make outstanding progress compared to their starting points”
- “In the primary years, pupils in KS1 continue to make outstanding progress, particularly in writing…”
- “Over 50% of pupils in KS2 achieve better than average progress in reading, writing, maths and science…”
- “Progress and attainment in the secondary school is outstanding”
- “Progress and attainment in KS3 are outstanding. Careful transition and academic tracking ensure pupils continue to build on the excellent foundation achieved in the primary school.”
- “Pupil attainment at GCSE is high..pupils achieving 9-7 grades significantly outperform both UK independent and selective schools. The college is rightly proud of its achievements, and in line with the quality of teaching and learning as observed by the team during the inspection visit.”
- “Pupils continue to excel in sixth form with 100% of pupils passing A level examinations, of which 86% achieve A*-C Grades and an impressive 47% achieve A*-A. These results compare very favourably with UK independent schools and significantly exceed all UK schools.”
“The college executive leadership team (ELT) is made up of experienced primary, secondary and executive heads and a director técnico, with over fifty years of combined experience leading good and outstanding schools. They are supported by well-established and more recently appointed Assistant Heads and strong middle and extended leadership teams.”